How to Lose Weight Quickly and Not Be Hungry


I had given up on this site because it is so frustrating coaching people to lose wt.

At the begging of a desperate person, I have agreed to bring back part of this website.

Many things in life are messed up & can't be fixed. Being fat is different. It is 99% curable.

Persons who say, "I want to be cured. I will do whatever it takes to become thin can easily be saved." These people just need information.

Persons who say, "It's my genetics, or those dietary recommendations are too much, I believe in moderation etc. These people can't be helped."

If you want to succeed in optimizing your bodywt then start learning. The cure for fatness is knowledge.

What makes you fat

What makes you thin

Sample foods

About the author

Dr Rogers is a Stanford/Harvard/Self educated/polyglot MD who now in his 40's has become interested in aging well.

He has learned, that getting older doesn't have to mean getting fatter, weaker & stupider.

If you study the process you can optimize it.

Good luck.

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The Rogers Diet™


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